Speaker Series
Learn how your shopping is helping children and their families
Join us on Thursday, Dec. 5, for an informational session as experts from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) describe how the hospital is transforming medicine beyond traditional doctors’ visits. A free ticket is required. Reserve your spot.
9:30 a.m. Sports Medicine & Nutrition
The Sports Medicine and Performance Center at CHOP is the region’s premier healthcare resource for young athletes. In addition to expert injury care, the center offers comprehensive resources for youth athletes, coaches, trainers and families. These resources focus on injury prevention, recovery and optimal fueling, ensuring that athletes perform at their best while safeguarding their long-term health.
Speakers: Jeffrey Albaugh, PT, MS, ATC, Physical Therapy Supervisor with the Sports Medicine and Performance Center and Orthopedic Center; and Kim Cover, MS, RD, CSSD, LPC, LDN, Clinical Dietitian with the Sports Medicine and Performance Center and Clinical Nutrition Program
11 a.m. Mental Health in Teens
Raising a teenager can be challenging, especially regarding their emotional well-being. This talk will offer valuable guidance for parents to help understand and support their teen’s mental health. Attendees will receive practical advice on how to recognize early signs of depression and tips to improve communication with teens. The session will also highlight research being conducted at CHOP – in collaboration with local schools and primary care offices – with the goal of preventing depression among youth and creating a supportive environment for teens.
Speaker: Jami F. Young, PhD, Psychologist and Associate Chair of Research in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences